Overview: The goal of this project is for students to select and explore a historical invasion that took place anywhere in the world. Students will research and learn about the invasion while also digging deeper to uncover the ecological impacts that resulted from the invasion. They will then use their research to develop a documentary covering the historical context as well as writing a graphic novel depicting scenes from the invasion and ecological transformations that resulted. The documentaries, graphic novels, and student presentations will be the backbone of our spring academic exhibition on April 16, 2020 at 6pm.
Project Benchmarks:
Benchmark 1: Invasion Selection & Overview
Benchmark 2: Historical Context/Question generation/Research (annotation docs)
Bridge to Historical Context Paper: OUTLINE
Benchmark 3: Catalyst and Transformation- Taking place in Science classes
Benchmark 4: Film Storyboard and Script
Benchmark 5: The Documentary
Benchmark 6: Graphic Novel and Plot Lines- Taking place in ELA classes
Benchmark 7: Individual Plot Lines- Taking place in ELA classes
Benchmark 8: Graphic Art and Dialogue- Cancelled due to COVID-19 SIP
Benchmark 9: Exhibition Prep-Cancelled due to COVID-19 SIP
Benchmark 10: Reflection- Benchmark altered and linked to COVID-19 SIP IC project
Benchmark 1: Invasion Selection & Overview
Benchmark 2: Historical Context/Question generation/Research (annotation docs)
Bridge to Historical Context Paper: OUTLINE
Benchmark 3: Catalyst and Transformation- Taking place in Science classes
Benchmark 4: Film Storyboard and Script
Benchmark 5: The Documentary
Benchmark 6: Graphic Novel and Plot Lines- Taking place in ELA classes
Benchmark 7: Individual Plot Lines- Taking place in ELA classes
Benchmark 8: Graphic Art and Dialogue- Cancelled due to COVID-19 SIP
Benchmark 9: Exhibition Prep-Cancelled due to COVID-19 SIP
Benchmark 10: Reflection- Benchmark altered and linked to COVID-19 SIP IC project